St Joseph Food Pantry on Adams Streeet

St. Joseph SVDP Food Pantry


1133 Adams Street
Bowling Green, KY


(270) 393-9800

We always welcome volunteers and donations. For more information, please contact the St. Joseph church office at
(270) 842-2525.


  • A picture ID or drivers license.
  • Social Security cards for each member of the family.
  • Income proof such as a paycheck stub, food stamp letter, or Social Security income.
  • A recent bill mailed to your current address (for Government food commodity help).
  • The recent utility bill if asking for assistance on that bill.

The St Joseph Conference of the Society of St Vincent de Paul strives to continue the Vincentian mission by providing emergency assistance to the needy of Warren county. We share this service with our sister conference of Holy Spirit Catholic Church. Our conference is staffed by volunteers and provides the following services and resources at the following times:

On Thursdays and 3rd & 4th Mondays from 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM

  • Food Boxes  (one per month per household)
  • Clothing Vouchers for the St Vincent de Paul thrift store once every three months for every household member.

On 2nd Monday from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM and 2nd Wednesday from 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM

  • Financial Assistance with utility bills (once every six months). First come, first served, no appointments. The conference cannot help with rent or any type of deposits.
  • Prescriptions on a limited basis No assistance is provided for narcotics

What we have is for those in need or for those who are currently unemployed. We determine need and allocate resources depending upon limited resources (available money and volunteer time), we attempt to help every person who seeks financial assistance.